Series HS-100HD

Cat: Modular Plastic Solutions

  • HS-100A

  • HS-100B

  • HS-100AN

  • HS-100D

  • HS-100B-EL

  • HS-100C

  • HS-101B

  • HS-102B


Modular Conveyor belt: Innovation of Conveyor belt, advanced conveyor belt products. We have enough solutions which enable constantly conveying of your equipments. We supply comprehensive solutions of conveying and transmission, just for the requirements of high efficiency.

Super conveying functions: Spiral Modular Belt, Flat-top Radius Modular Belt, Universal Ball Belt, Vacuum Lifting Modular Belt, Lifting Modular Belt with flights and sidewall, Heavy-duty Modular Belt and Easy-clean Modular Belt etc. all problems of conveying can be solved easily.

Star Modular

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